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Alternative Beauty

When we try to change something from the outside, not only is it easier, faster and immediate, (although can empty our pockets quickly). Take a car for example, you could sand away the rough edges, give it a lick of shiny paint, and polish it up, as long as it is running smoothly until.... it breaks down, or shows signs of needing repairs, What is going on inside? Did one keep the foot on the clutch too long, or rev the engine, Did we really care as if it was something precious?

Similar to a car, whether it is Botox, or Plastic surgery, we can sand away those rough edges with micro-dermabrasion, or inject a lethal toxin known to paralyze the muscles of the face. Nourishing our mind, body, soul, and plenty of laughing can balance us enough, that nothing else matters! Loving our self, and cherishing moments in life.

However I wonder has anyone wondered why in the first place someone would want to change their entire face, starts on the forehead, then the nose and all of a sudden you become someone else, (over time, the decline of identity is transparent) apart from wanting to erase fine lines, lines that almost tell stories of you, your life, the natural aging process.

A funny thought just came to me from Shirley Valentine, my absolute fun movie on a dismal day! Tom Conti telling Shirl to love her stretch marks!

Alright, one does not have to love ones stretch marks, however it is advisable to love oneself, for all that you stand for. lines, wrinklies, bumps!

Why would we want to change any part of our identity?

How are we feeling on the inside? Ask yourself do you love You? Do we lack self confidence about our looks, or how others see us? Do we really care about how people see us? are they

Natural Beauty

thinking, ooh those little lines are becoming rivers, etc.... : )

I believe each of us on this planet need to go on a 'soul journey' to liberate our mind, body & soul. Becoming spiritually nourished and connected with our inner self. How can we achieve this? Stop and listen to our inner voices, the good ones, the ones that say, " 'Hey you done well today', even going out of your comfort zone, and paragliding, Yoga, or perhaps dipping in the cold sea for a few minutes (here in Ireland, seconds) Whatever it is, do what makes you happy!

One of my motto's 'Discover your inner beauty', looking from the inside can slow down the aging process and naturale. Deep relaxation, wellness and care for your needs and not others needs, this is a start already to accepting, I am, Me, and man I love it!

Maybe we have not embraced those sad or angry feelings, perhaps even as far back as our childhood, sibling rivalry , even in school? Hidden hurts are painful . Whatever feelings are lurking under the skin, we cannot make ourselves feel better by injecting some chemical into ourselves in the hope it will take away that pain, or uneasy feeling we harbor. By changing the way we look, or making ourselves think, awe sure a little bit of Botox never done any one harm, yes it does, and has. Search deep within yourself first and 'Discover your inner beauty'.

Could it be that it is easy to change how we look? from, How we feel? If you are self confidence about how you look, and not how others see you, definitely. The new 'Sexy'!!

Did you ever hear about stress lines? Loving yourself, nourishing you, doing things that make you happy. 100%, Absolutely! I currently offer Wellness Facials, where the focus is on 'You', connecting the mind, body & soul, deeply relaxing therapeutic treatments, I also offer introductory offers for you to try out, using the beautiful Eminence Organic Skincare and Dr. Spiller Skincare.

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     A Therapeutic Treatment Room for the mind, body and soul.


Nestled in the beautiful Clarinda Park away from the noisy main street,

                to ensure a calm environment, with the view of Howth and the sea.           


Opening hours.

Monday                8:30-6:00pm
Tuesday                8:30-5:00pm
Thursday              9:30-3:00pm

Friday                  8:30-2:00pm
Saturday               Available upon request
Sunday                  Available upon request

ZenVita Wellness

6 Clarinda Park North,
Dun Laoghaire,
Co. Dublin.

A96 V089

087 161 8029


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Registered business 941055, since 2015.

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